
  • Overview

    STEM Continuity explores the transition from preschool to school through the lens of STEM learning. It looks at how collaboration between preschool and school educators can both facilitate learners’ transitions, as well as develop a continuity of pedagogical practice.

  • STEM Bridge

    The STEM Bridge research project was initiated by the Department for Education in South Australia in order to facilitate collaborations between preschool educators and reception teachers. Using STEM learning as the context, the focus of the project in 2018 and 2019, was on ‘building bridges’ between preschool and school to support the transition of learners through a continuity of pedagogical approaches.

    The research:

    • Features a paper, a trailer and several case-studies detailing the research and  findings from each site
    • Highlights the ways in which sites can elevate pedagogical conversations around children’s voice and advocacy and extend play-based inquiries into the school context
    • Invites educators to reflect on their own context and consider the positive impact of extending play-based pedagogies into the school environment to support children’s ongoing learning.
    • Case Study 2: A bridge to wellbeing

      In 2018 and 2019, Park Terrace Kindergarten and Port Lincoln Junior Primary School participated together in the STEM Bridge research project.