
  • Overview

    STEM Planning brings together various tools and resources to support educators and leaders plan and implement effective STEM teaching and learning. 

    This category:

    • Features tools for data collection and learning design to support educators plan for STEM learning
    • Provides educators with a starting point to reflect on and discuss STEM learning
    • Invites educators to 'check in' on current STEM learning design at their site.

  • STEM Key Features

    The STEM Key Features are provided for educators to use as a reflective tool to support a balanced focus on all the aspects that should be considered when designing STEM learning using a holistic, interdisciplinary approach.

    The tool: 

    • Features: A model that invites critical reflection and promotes collaborate discussion when designing STEM learning.
    • References: STEM Play Paper, the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Framework.
    • Invites: Educators and leaders to reflect on their STEM curriculum planning with a view to improve STEM learning outcomes for children.
  • Preschool STEM audit

    The Preschool STEM Audit is a tool designed as a starting point for leaders and educators to determine the level of STEM teaching and learning that is occurring at their site.

    The tool:

    • Features a three-step process that provides a clear rubric and focuses on promoting best practice for strong learning outcomes for children.
    • References the Early Years Learning Framework, particularly the key components of Outcomes 4 & 5 which align most closely with the dispositions, capacities and skills for STEM.
    • Invites documentation, critical reflection and dialogue around current STEM teaching and learning, and asks educators to plan actions aimed at improving learning outcomes at their site.
    • STEM audit: thinking about STEM in your site 文件 1.9MB PDF document 上传 2019年07月2日 14:02
  • Pedagogical documentation

    This resource

    • is a mentor text, designed to support leaders enact formative assessment through the process of Pedagogical Documentation
    • has two components: a downloadable booklet and an online platform, with hyperlinks to film clips, research papers as well as examples of pedagogical documentation from the state.
    • can be used by individuals, small groups or large teams, as reading, workshop, or reference material.

    It is suggested that you save this resource on an external device for easy access.