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School Mental Health Practitioners

School Mental Health Practitioners

by Cassee Stock -
Number of replies: 0

The Department for Education is implementing a mental health service for students with mild to moderate mental health concerns. We are piloting the service in select schools from term 3, 2022. 

Roles have now been advertised for School Mental Health Practitioners (SMHP) to work in the pilot locations. The SMHP will be based in schools and will provide 1:1 counselling and support to students with mild to moderate mental health concerns. The service will complement – not duplicate – existing services provided in schools, such as student wellbeing leaders. The SMHP will be allied health practitioners with a background in psychology, social work or occupational therapy.

If you (or someone you know) is interested in applying for a role in the service, please visit the IWorkForSA website.