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Understanding self-harm, suicide ideation and suicide attempts webinar – recording available

Understanding self-harm, suicide ideation and suicide attempts webinar – recording available

by Cassee Stock -
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On Wednesday 26 October we hosted a webinar to build understanding about self-harm, suicide ideation, suicide attempts and the departments guideline.

This was delivered by a panel of experts from the department and CAMHS.

If you or your staff were unable to attend or want to rewatch this, it is now available online.

The webinar covers:

  • understand why students may self-harm and express suicide ideation
  • know what to do if an incident occurs
  • understand the self-harm, suicide ideation and suicide attempts guideline
  • commonly asked questions on the subject.

The guideline and resources can be found on the Responding to a student’s self-harm incident, suicidal thoughts or suicide attempt EDi page.