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Wellbeing Information Network (WIN) training - contact update

Wellbeing Information Network (WIN) training - contact update

by Dannielle Seal -
Number of replies: 0

The Wellbeing Information Network (WIN) is an easy to use online network to help student wellbeing leaders in primary and secondary schools build connections.


Join us for an interactive tour to:

  • understand it’s context and capabilities
  • see how wellbeing leaders are using the network
  • learn how it relates to Student Support Services
  • understand how it relates to Student Support Services
  • connect with other department services, programs and resources
  • find out about events and training
  • give us your feedback for future developments


What you will need to bring:

  • your WIN username and login

    email if you do not have one.

  • a device to access the internet


Who can attend:            Student wellbeing leaders and behaviour coaches

When:                             Thursday 5 December 9.00-11.00am


                                        Monday 16 December 10.00-12.00pm

                                        Can’t attend? contact us about how to Skype in

Where:                            Felixstow education office 5-11 Briar Road Felixstow

How to register:             email your session time to (note updated email)