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Tool that helps schools with attendance, behaviour and bullying policies and plans

Tool that helps schools with attendance, behaviour and bullying policies and plans

by Cassee Stock -
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The local policy implementation tool helps you customise your school’s:

  • attendance policy
  • attendance improvement plan
  • behaviour support policy
  • bullying prevention policy and plan.
  • Last term the local policy implementation tool was released.

This tool was released last term. Already over 39% of schools have started using it.  School leaders have provided positive feedback that:

  • the tool is quick and easy to use
  • they saved time developing their policies and plans
  • they are confident their policies and plans meet the minimum requirements.
  • easy to share local policies with parents

We encourage you, if you haven’t already to have a look and work with your principal to start using it.

Access to the tool

You can access the tool through your EDU portal.

As a student wellbeing leader, you might only have access to the actions section of the tool. Your principal can give you full access.

Webinars – customising your policies and plans

Interactive webinars are available for Student Wellbeing Leaders and other users of the tool. These sessions will walk you through the tool and show you how to tailor the policies and plans to your local context.

A series of tutorial videos also provide an overview of how to use the tool.