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Children’s harmful sexual behaviour webinar series BOOK NOW!

Children’s harmful sexual behaviour webinar series BOOK NOW!

by Cassee Stock -
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There are 2 webinars in the series:

  • Webinar 1 - Sexual behaviour in children in the primary years
  • Webinar 2 - Sexual behaviour in young people in the secondary years.

It’s important to register for the correct webinar as the causes and meaning of sexual behaviour and the interventions are different for pre-pubescent children compared to adolescents. If you work across primary and secondary years, you can participate in both.

These livestream webinars are available for Student Wellbeing Leaders and facilitated by Robert Tucker, Honorary Associate, Berry Street. Robert is an independent social work consultant with over 30 years’ experience in child protection and working therapeutically with children and young people.  

By the end of the webinar, participants will be better able to:

  • identify and assess the differences between developmentally appropriate and harmful sexual behaviour
  • understand the possible causes of harmful sexual behaviour
  • implement strategies for safely and effectively responding to sexual behaviour
  • identify when there is a need to consult with or refer to specialist agencies for further advice or intervention.

The webinars go for 3 hours and are offered on multiple dates in Term 4 2020.

Places are limited, register via Plink.

These webinars are provided by the Department for Education, Engagement and Wellbeing directorate. For more information email