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Information gathering on external mental health service provision

Information gathering on external mental health service provision

by Cassee Stock -
Number of replies: 0

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Team is leading work to support schools in responding to student mental health needs.

Many schools have taken action to increase student access to mental health services. We are interested to find out more about these arrangements. 

Responses from this online survey will be used to develop guidance on best practice approaches (including example agreements) for schools entering into arrangements for additional mental health service provision for children and young people.

This survey is for schools that have:

  • employed a mental health professional in their school to provide additional mental health services to what is provided by the department, and/or 
  • engaged external professionals to deliver mental health services to students on the school site or through a formal arrangement at an offsite location.

The online survey should take no more than 15 minutes. All information provided will be treated confidentially. We encourage you to speak with your site leadership team to identify the best person to complete the survey.

Responses to the survey closed on Friday 20 November 2020.

Click here to start the online survey