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NEW resources for improving access to student data

NEW resources for improving access to student data

by Cassee Stock -
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The department is developing new and improved data products and processes to help educators access information about their students. Information about two new applications are below.

The insights provided by the data will support decision making and planning to improve student outcomes.


Student Wellbeing and Engagement Explorer

The 2021 Wellbeing and Engagement Collection (WEC) results have been released and are available online through the Power BI application called the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Explorer

The online Explorer will replace the previous hard copy reports. The Explorer application provides a reporting platform with interactive visuals giving schools greater capability to explore and interrogate results.

An email with information on the Student Wellbeing and Engagement Explorer was sent on Friday 18 June to Local Education Teams, Site Leaders and Student Wellbeing Leaders – please refer to that email.

Questions can be directed to


Achievement Profiles

This application allows school leaders and teachers to easily access data about the students currently enrolled in their school or class, including:

  • achievement data (NAPLAN, Running Records, PAT and Phonics)
  • behaviour incidents
  • absence reasons
  • student demographic information.

 While much of this data is already available on multiple platforms, it has been pulled together to:

  • provide a single source of truth
  • significantly reduce the time and effort required to manually collate data sets
  • provide a level of equity to all state government schools about accessing quality-assured data of this nature.

Local education teams, leaders and educators should have received an email providing access to the Achievement Profiles app.

If you did not receive an email or are having issues accessing the app, contact