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Children’s Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Children’s Harmful Sexual Behaviour

by Ruth Busby -
Number of replies: 1

The Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s Changing Futures program provides free webinars, workshops and resources to support educators and other professionals to identify and respond to children’s harmful sexual behaviour.


To register for webinars and workshops, watch recordings of previous webinars, and access resources, go to the Changing Futures page on the DMF website.


Information about responding to problem sexual behaviour in children and young people in South Australian education and care settings can be found in the 3rd edition of the guidelines.

You can also find information about responding to problem sexual behaviour, including support resources for staff (e.g. checklists, templates and plans), on the intranet.

In reply to Ruth Busby

Re: Children’s Harmful Sexual Behaviour

by Cassee Stock -

Following the post about the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s Changing Futures Program dated Friday 30 July, inquiries have been received about how the Changing Futures Program fits with the department’s approach to sexual behaviour in children and young people.

 Educators and care providers are required to:

The Social Work Incident Support Service provide training and development in understanding and responding to problem sexual behaviour.

In 2020, Engagement and Wellbeing provided professional development webinars for Student Wellbeing Leaders and Student Support Services staff on the topic of sexual behaviours, facilitated by UK social worker and Berry Street Associate Robert Tucker.

New sexual behaviour resources are currently in development for implementation in 2022. These include:

  • procedure
  • guideline
  • parent and carer engagement resources
  • professional development for staff.

Information about the Daniel Morcombe Foundation’s Changing Futures Program has been provided for people who may be interested in additional content to further their own knowledge and understanding of this area of children and young people’s behaviour. If you access the Changing Futures Program webinars or workshop and you have any queries about how that content relates to the department’s policy position regarding sexual behaviour, please direct your inquiry to: Clare Kelly, Senior Adviser Behaviour, Engagement and Wellbeing (p) 8226 0859 (e)