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COVID-19: Resources to support children, young people and your school community

COVID-19: Resources to support children, young people and your school community

by Cassee Stock -
Number of replies: 0

Please find below some resources to support children, young people and your school community through this challenging time.


Be You: COVID-19 supporting educators, children and young people

World Health Organization: Helping children cope with stress during the 2019-nCoV outbreak

headspace (information for young people): how to cope with stress related to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Australian Childhood Foundation: Staying connected with our children

Australian Childhood Foundation (Kids News): It’s not all bad news; there is good news too

Beyond Blue: looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

Beyond Blue (online forum): coping during the Coronavirus outbreak

The Australian Psychological Society: advice about maintaining positive mental health during the outbreak