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Evaluation of Headspace services

Evaluation of Headspace services

by Ruth Busby -
Number of replies: 0

The Commonwealth Department for Health has commissioned an independent evaluation of the national headspace program. This evaluation aims to measure the effectiveness and appropriateness of headspace. This will inform future policy decisions about the implementation of the program.

As part of this evaluation, the youth mental health group, batyr, are holding an online focus group for SA school wellbeing leaders/counsellors and university counsellors.

In the group you will discuss:

  1. What you know of headspace 
  2. What is the effectiveness of headspace in your community?
  3. What you'd like to see for the future of this service

When:            Thursday 2nd September, 3:30 - 5:30 pm. 

Where:            Online via Zoom

If you are interested in contributing to this evaluation register your interest here